Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the ability to create a template in GUIDEcx including:
    • Milestone and task creation.
    • Tagging and bulk editing tasks.
    • Personalizing the customer experience using merge tags.
    • Setting task dependencies and durations to tailor when GUIDEcx sends out emails.
    • Writing effective task instructions.
    • Setting estimated hours.
  • Explain the value of the experience overview.­
  • Demonstrate the ability to Iterate on their own templates based on the customer’s experience.

Course curriculum

    1. What is a Cartographer?

    2. Preliminary Knowledge Check

    1. Identifying Milestones and Tasks in Your Onboarding Process

    2. Assignment: Build Process Outline

    1. Creating New and Updating Existing Templates in GUIDEcx

    2. Task Naming Best Practices

    3. Introducing Your Project With The Experience Overview

    4. Assignment: Creating your Template

    1. Mapping Responsible Parties and Visibility

    2. The Bulk Edit Tool

    3. Assignment: Set Visibility of Tasks and Add Functions or Tags

    1. Automating Your Plan and Calculating Template's Time to Value

    2. Assignment: Set Task Dependencies, Estimated Hours, and Durations

    1. Writing Task Instructions using the PACT Method

    2. Assignment: Add Task Instructions

About this course

  • Free
  • 20 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content