Masterclass Topics

  • Time Tracking

    Get up to speed on all things Time Tracking!

  • Resource Management

    Manage your Human Resources with a faster more organized process!

  • Reports

    What's your data telling you? How to analyze Reports to enhance your people and process!

  • Customer Engagement

    Best practices to strategically service your customers, providing a valuable experience leading to more On Time project completion!

  • Recipe Builder Q&A

    Stump the TSM! Bring your toughest recipe questions to our experts!

  • Tasks Page

    Manage your workload by creating custom filters for your various work flows!

  • Admin License Best Practices

    Preparing Admin users with tips and tricks to manage your teams and platform features! Managers welcome!

  • PM Best Practices

    Preparing Project Managers (Admin, Managers, and Guides) with tips and tricks to manage their projects and teams!

  • Task Owner & Contributor License Best Practices

    Preparing Task Owners & Contributors with tips and tricks to keep the project momentum rolling!

  • New Hire Crash Course

    New to GUIDEcx but your company isn't? Get up to speed with basics and best practices to help you adapt smoothly! Take the Trailhead Course in GUIDEu as a pre-requisite.

  • Template Design & Audit

    Best Practices when building and auditing templates!

Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course!

    2. Customer Engagement - August 9th

    3. Customer Engagement: Hosting a Valuable Kick-Off Call with Special Guest, Cheyanne LaFrance - June 13th

    4. Tasks Page - May 17th

    5. Admin Best Practices - July 18th

    6. PM Best Practices - July 17th

    7. Task Owner & Contributor Best Practices - July 20th

    8. New User Crash Course - September 9th

    9. Template Design & Audit - July 27th

    10. Time Tracking - August 29th

    11. Resource Management - August 30th

    12. Reports - August 31st

    13. Recipe Builder MasterClass - April 20th

    14. Recipe Builder Q & A - September 21st

About this course

  • 14 lessons
  • 13.5 hours of video content
  • Explore best practices around GUIDEcx features including Resource Management, Reports, Customer Engagement, Admin and PM Best Practices, and more!!