Which courses should I take?
We recommend taking a look at our "Getting Started" section. New users should take the Trailhead Training; all of our other courses build off of the foundation laid there. From there, Admins and Managers in GUIDEcx should check out the Cartographer Course to learn how to create templates.
Does my access to these courses expire?
No! You can access these courses as long as you have a GUIDEcx login. Come back as often as you would like for a refresher!
What is "The Archive"?
The Archive is a collection of our old training. These courses have all been retired and are no longer maintained but are still available for your reference. The content covered in these courses may no longer be accurate.
GUIDEcx Best Practices
CourseThis course has been retired and rolled into the Trailhead Training. It is no longer being maintained and information taught may no longer be accurate. It showed how WE used GUIDEcx at the time of publishing.
GUIDEcx Basics
CourseThis course has been retired and rolled into the Trailhead Training. It is no longer being maintained and an assignment in Chapter 2 calls for a template that your instance may not have. The information taught may no longer be accurate.
Cartographer - v1
CourseThis course has been replaced with Version 2 found in the Getting Started Tab. Check it out for a more robust guide on how to start building templates in GUIDEcx. https://training.guidecx.com/courses/Cartographer-v2
GUIDEcx Contributor/Task Owner Training
CourseThis course has been retired and rolled into the Trailhead Training. It is no longer being maintained and information taught may no longer be accurate. It was originally designed for Contributors and Task Owners and taught how to update tasks.